Sunday, November 3, 2019

Leader ' shadow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leader ' shadow - Essay Example Another key responsibility of leaders is the ability to listen. The needs of others should become before that of a leader. Smart leaders know how to get the best out of their employees or subordinates because they understand that making people happy helps to produce a better and more productive work environment. Besides this, leaders also have responsibilities that they must keep, such as to the board of directors, the CEO, and potential new clients to the business. Leaders also have access to information that may be off limits for regular staff. However, if they mismanage that information, then the results can be disastrous for the organization as a whole. This paper will look at one area where managers can cast shadows: the mismanagement of information. This can either happen in one of two ways--the manager knows about it and is trying to gain something out of it or is lying about to cover up his mess, or the manager does not know how to collate information properly due to a deluge of information. Leaders who have a good recognition can face a dilemma when they are caught out doing something unethical or illegal. The latter has serious consequences, but a manager’s reputation can be severely damaged if unethical behavior is discovered. It can also help the image of the brand or company that the manager is representing. There are positives and negatives for coming out and admitting a mistake and also to try to keep something secret. One example of this could be in the case of a general manager choosing not to admit to a middle manager that the business is actually failing and some staff will need to be laid off. The general manager could choose to inform his subordinate of the bad news, but would this result in decreased morale among the employees and also a decrease in output. On the other hand, the manager could not reveal his plans for the company and only share the information on the day that some employees will

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